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“Second time I use this website to create my own font. The first time I came here (back in 2021) I wasn't sure it would really work. But what a relieve (and joy) when I saw that it really worked! The first time, I was so eager to create my own font (useless font for someone else than me haha) that I didn't take the time to do it properly, the result was imperfect, but I was glad because I could...” [more]
“Second time I use this website to create my own font. The first time I came here (back in 2021) I wasn't sure it would really work. But what a relieve (and joy) when I saw that it really worked! The first time, I was so eager to create my own font (useless font for someone else than me haha) that I didn't take the time to do it properly, the result was imperfect, but I was glad because I could use it with my laptop. Today, I've really worked on my font to be better, and I'm sooo happy! Thanks a thousand times YourFonts ♡” NaiikenOctober 5, 2024
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